the server was unable to return a response in the time allotted, but may still be processing the request (get configmaps) / OR Why Its Time to Move to Helm3

posted-in:  Kubernetes   helm  

The issue with helm2

(spoiler: Tiller is causing troubles as usual)

As a heavy user of helm2 charts in production, I came across an issue which you are likely to run into when using helm2 charts in a large scale: Under the hood, Tiller (helm server) is creating a ConfigMap for every release of a helm chart, and stores them in the tiller namespace. So you can rollback a helm chart in case you are not happy with the new version. (:bulb: Yes I am aware of the existence of history-max helm flag. don’t know why but it doesn’t seem to work, for me and for many other people) Considering the fact that the charts are updated a few times a day, and every new version is a separated release, after a few months you will end up with:

~ $ kubectl get configmaps --namespace tiller | wc -l


To manage the ConfigMaps, Tiller is sending API requests to kubernetes api-server. Unfortunately such amount of ConfigMaps is too much for the api-server to handle, and Tiller requests will time-out. In return, Tiller will start to complain on helm operations like helm upgrade and helm delete. you will bump into the infamous kubernetes error message - (first thought its a helm error but apparently this is kuberntes official http.StatusGatewayTimeout error message)

the server was unable to return a response in the time allotted, but may still be processing the request (get configmaps)

The heavy load on the api-server might slow other operations. In severe cases, you might even loose it for a few minutes.

First-Aid Solution

(for production emergency :fire: / super lazy devops 🦥 )

Since its a well-known issue, somebody wrote a script to manually delete old config maps. If you choose not to migrate to helm3, you can still run this script every now and than (like I did it before figuring out how to migrate my charts) you can also keep around a grafana dashboard to monitor the configMaps scale, and it will alert you once its going crazy:


How Helm3 solves this bug once and for all

(the proper solution)

The main difference between helm2 and helm3 is that helm3 is tillerless - helm operations goes directly to kubernetes api-server, Which is much more efficient. As a result, thank god, :smiley: helm3 doesn’t throw a huge number of configMaps to tiller namespace (because there is not tiller)

helm 2to3 plugin

the helm team created a plugin which is supposed to help you migrate your released from helm2 to helm3. View my example - I migrate my influx helm chart from helm2 to helm3:

~ $ helm plugin install
Downloading and installing helm-2to3 v0.4.1 ...
Installed plugin: 2to3

~ $ helm 2to3 move config
2020/03/12 21:25:32 WARNING: Helm v3 configuration may be overwritten during this operation.
2020/03/12 21:25:32 
[Move Config/confirm] Are you sure you want to move the v2 configuration? [y/N]: y
2020/03/12 21:25:56 
Helm v2 configuration will be moved to Helm v3 configuration.
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 2] Home directory: /Users/efrat/.helm
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 3] Config directory: /Users/efrat/Library/Preferences/helm
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 3] Data directory: /Users/efrat/Library/helm
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 3] Cache directory: /Users/efrat/Library/Caches/helm
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 3] Create config folder "/Users/efrat/Library/Preferences/helm" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 3] Config folder "/Users/efrat/Library/Preferences/helm" created.
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 2] repositories file "/Users/efrat/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml" will copy to [Helm 3] config folder "/Users/efrat/Library/Preferences/helm/repositories.yaml" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 2] repositories file "/Users/efrat/.helm/repository/repositories.yaml" copied successfully to [Helm 3] config folder "/Users/efrat/Library/Preferences/helm/repositories.yaml" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 3] Create cache folder "/Users/efrat/Library/Caches/helm" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 3] cache folder "/Users/efrat/Library/Caches/helm" created.
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 3] Create data folder "/Users/efrat/Library/helm" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 3] data folder "/Users/efrat/Library/helm" created.
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 2] plugins "/Users/efrat/.helm/cache/plugins" will copy to [Helm 3] cache folder "/Users/efrat/Library/Caches/helm/plugins" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 2] plugins "/Users/efrat/.helm/cache/plugins" copied successfully to [Helm 3] cache folder "/Users/efrat/Library/Caches/helm/plugins" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 2] plugin symbolic links "/Users/efrat/.helm/plugins" will copy to [Helm 3] data folder "/Users/efrat/Library/helm" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 2] plugin links "/Users/efrat/.helm/plugins" copied successfully to [Helm 3] data folder "/Users/efrat/Library/helm" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 2] starters "/Users/efrat/.helm/starters" will copy to [Helm 3] data folder "/Users/efrat/Library/helm/starters" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 [Helm 2] starters "/Users/efrat/.helm/starters" copied successfully to [Helm 3] data folder "/Users/efrat/Library/helm/starters" .
2020/03/12 21:25:56 Helm v2 configuration was moved successfully to Helm v3 configuration.

~ $ helm 2to3 convert influx
2020/03/12 21:27:56 Release "influx" will be converted from Helm v2 to Helm v3.
2020/03/12 21:27:56 [Helm 3] Release "influx" will be created.
2020/03/12 21:27:57 [Helm 3] ReleaseVersion "influx.v1" will be created.
2020/03/12 21:27:57 [Helm 3] ReleaseVersion "influx.v1" created.
2020/03/12 21:27:57 [Helm 3] Release "influx" created.
2020/03/12 21:27:57 Release "influx" was converted successfully from Helm v2 to Helm v3.
2020/03/12 21:27:57 Note: The v2 release information still remains and should be removed to avoid conflicts with the migrated v3 release.
2020/03/12 21:27:57 v2 release information should only be removed using `helm 2to3` cleanup and when all releases have been migrated over.

:warning: Once you are done, you are can run helm 2to3 cleanup. This command will delete all helm2 resources, including tiller, so once you run it - helm2 charts won’t work on your cluster any more. Right now not all charts are still helm3 compatible, therefore I recommend keeping tiller around, just in case, So I prefer to manually run helm delete --purge release-name to get read of the release+configmaps.

Installing helm3 client

  1. Download a compatible binary from the official release page

  2. Untar and copy the binary to your PATH. I don’t want to override my helm2 client binary, so I will name it helm3:
    tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/helm-v3.1.1-darwin-amd64.tar.gz darwin-amd64/helm 
    mv ./darwin-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm3
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/helm3
  3. Thats it! run helm3

    :bulb: If you run MacOS Catalina like I do, the OS wont allow you to run this, unless you go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General and allow it to run.

  4. Optional: add the official charts repo:
    ~ $ helm3 repo add stable
    "stable" has been added to your repositories
    ~ $ helm3 repo ls
    NAME    URL                                               


From client point of view, there isn’t much of a change between helm2 and 3. most helm commands remain the same, a few flags might change. view the changelog. You can now happily install and manage helm3 compatible helm charts. Helm2 and 3 can live together in the same cluster, so you can still keep your old charts.

Happy Helm3ing!